Monday, September 12, 2011

Dukan Diet Updates

It’s Day 6 and I have completed the requirements for the "attack phase" which was pretty much pure protein, low-fat dairy and little else. I am happy to report this "shock" to my system was exactly what I needed to jumpstart my weight-loss. I started on Wednesday of last week, well this morning I measured myself and am down 2 1/2 inches from my hips/lower belly and 1 inch down in my waist! For 5 days, of sacrifice - I'll take it!

The wonderful thing is that my body is not craving any starches, or sweets. What was extremely difficult was not having my veggies or an occasional healthy fruit. But I have now graduated to the "Cruise Phase" which allows almost all non-starchy veggies. I have done a lot of research on this "diet", which is more of a health-plan then a diet, because to me the word "diet" implies deprivation and although some foods are now allowed - I have never felt hungry on this plan, not once - but I digress. What I have determined that works best for my body is a modified version of this Dukan Diet. This will render the best results for me in the long-run.

I will continue to limit my food intake to healthy low-fat proteins, all the no-starch veggies I want, and also incorporate a limited but healthy amount of "good fats" (i.e. avocado, olive oil, olives and one serving of low-carb fruit (i.e. strawberries, blueberries and organic apples.)  For a few weeks I will contnue to completely cut out any other carbohydrates in the form of beans, whole grains, pasta, bread and rice.

I "feel" much lighter, and have already seen the difference in my clothes and although I'm sick today and have not been able to incorporate my 30 minutes of walking or cardio that is suggested, I will make it up as soon as I get better with an hour long cardio session the remainder of the days.

This really works! Will continue to update with my progress/feedback as I go...

I leave you with a picture of one of my pure protein meals - Burger with "Fries" made with tofu:

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