Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weight Loss Video Diary - Take 2

Hello my lovelies.  Here it is Weight loss Video Diary - week 2, shot today, Sunday, September 20 exactly one week after I shot the first video.

Again. A few Disclaimers:

  • Sorry, this week's video was not as succesful as last - I was unable to rotate it (and trust me I tried) using as many programs as possible. Something about the image being invalid. I didn't/couldn't record a new video, so Im going to have to ask you to tilt your head to view. Sorry, promise next week's will be better!
  • I picked a new spot hoping the lighting would be better, but not sure if worked.
  • Also, don't laugh as I lose my balance a little while trying to provide proper full body image. ;)

I stuck to my eating and excercise schedule to a tee with the exception of a a few days of unexpected fatigue because of the onslaught of an unwanted visitor (she knows who she is! ugh! she comes every month!) therefore I had to adjust my excercise schedule a bit and had to do some substitutions. (i.e. skipped bike riding on Sunday, but incorporated 1.5 hours of intense salsa cardio) Will be back next week with another update:)

The HH


  1. Lyra,

    Mama, u look fantastic!!! Way to go on staying away from "da goodies" at the party. Those are baddies for now while we get on the right track. I know all about that kind of fatigue. After a good week of exercise I slummed it out on Saturday (I did walk a lot and took stairs while preaching 2:30hrs with my son and a sister) but by slumming it I mean I made a bad dinner choice (BK Spicy Chicken Burger with regular fries and diet coke). Trust you me I paid for it Sunday. My body was heavy all day. So I took a nap between 4-6pm and woke up resolved to get to the gym and I did. *in slight defense, aunt flo is due any min now*

    Once I was done, I felt my energy return instantly, right in the middle of my workout. Had to show my butt who's boss. Needless to say, aunt flo's water weight gain was painfully obvious during my workout.

    You seem more relaxed in this video. Maybe it's the support of Kevin as your cameraman. hehehe You do have an hour glass figure and Zumba is awesome for that. Zumba is great at working our small mid section and I know this for a fact. Our instructor says "if you don't break a sweat, you aren't giving it all you got" and I totally agree. I sweat like a chancho before slaughter. LOL

    I've got class tonight, I'll see if I can record another video for you all tonight.

    Mucho love HH's!!

  2. Thank you darling! Its not about a small set-back (i.e. the bad dinner choice) its about being resolved to continue, and you are a prime example of that! you go babe! on AF visit week, I personally try to be really extr good about my meal choices and my portions becaue I know my energy for excercise won't be the same!

    I agree about the zumba, Im also soaked after getting through the Cardio Party, so I assume that is a good sign! I did feel less nervous, have to thank my hubs for that:)

    Keep working hard my HH lovelies! its so worth it in the end!:)


  3. Muy orgullosa de ti, pues apesar de que estabas en un Party, seguiste tu programa de alimentacion (algo que yo no hubiera podido hacer LOL)

    Si sigues asi, vas a ver que muy pronto vas a lograr la meta que quieres alcanzar! Espero ver tu proximo video, y como vas progresando a tu meta final!!

  4. I love your videos! Your personality is super cute. I can tell why so many of your friends love you and tell you are perfect the way you are.

    Good job on staying on track despite AF, from here on out know as being on the IPad...LOL, jk. I can not function during those days. At least two days before and two days after I am fatigued and ravenous! So both the exericse regimen and nutrition go out the window.

    Keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing future videos.

  5. Awe thank you so much Claudia! Very sweet words, they mean a lot!

    I get really bad fatigue during the PMS phase (about a week before) and then a few days after. Similar to you. Grrrrr. What can we do, just have to deal with it!

    I'm so glad you guys like my videos it encourages me to keep myself accountable by making them. Love ya girls!
