Monday, September 27, 2010

Weight Loss Video Diary - Take 3

Hello my fellow Healthy Hotties. Here it is, Video for week 3. Was finally able to figure out how to rotate the video properly. but (as always something has to go wrong) this video has poor any event, It will do for now. Is it true that the camera adds 10lbs? Because I swear I look thinner in person and in front of the mirror than when I look at this video. Maybe its me. Or maybe its those darn hormones. In any event, I'm wearing a size 12 dress (with a little stretch) and an old Express (use to love that store back in the day) size 10 (with stretch) shirt! I also woke up this morning with my house shorts practically falling off - a few weeks ago they were hanging on to all of my "bodaciousness" (as Viv calls it) with no problem, so… that definitely accounts for something. I haven't wanted to try my goal pants on until after AF is completely over with. which will be very soon. Please stay tuned for updates.

(btw, I did some re-decorating for Fall - as most Interior Decorators do...after a few months its time to change things up:) unfortunately, the video doesn't do my fabulous new color scheme any justice. tee hee ( I incorporated some exciting new purple jewel tones for Fall) lol. Stay tuned for updates on my quick, budget-friendly re-decorating process for Chateu Ces't La Vie on my Ces't La Vie Events Blog:)


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weight Loss Video Diary - Take 2

Hello my lovelies.  Here it is Weight loss Video Diary - week 2, shot today, Sunday, September 20 exactly one week after I shot the first video.

Again. A few Disclaimers:

  • Sorry, this week's video was not as succesful as last - I was unable to rotate it (and trust me I tried) using as many programs as possible. Something about the image being invalid. I didn't/couldn't record a new video, so Im going to have to ask you to tilt your head to view. Sorry, promise next week's will be better!
  • I picked a new spot hoping the lighting would be better, but not sure if worked.
  • Also, don't laugh as I lose my balance a little while trying to provide proper full body image. ;)

I stuck to my eating and excercise schedule to a tee with the exception of a a few days of unexpected fatigue because of the onslaught of an unwanted visitor (she knows who she is! ugh! she comes every month!) therefore I had to adjust my excercise schedule a bit and had to do some substitutions. (i.e. skipped bike riding on Sunday, but incorporated 1.5 hours of intense salsa cardio) Will be back next week with another update:)

The HH

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weight Loss Video Diary - Take 1

As promised (many, many moons ago...I apologize for my procrastination I have been legitimately very busy these past weeks, but I digress)  below is my video/weightloss diary - Chapter 1. A couple of disclaimers before you click play and begin to analyze, dissect and critique me while watching my embarassing rambling, shaky camera and unflattering body

  • I had to take this video myself since the hubs was not around, after trying to set up my camera in many a make-shift tripod (note to self: get a real tripod soon:) I decided the best method would be to talk to a mirror:)
  • Pardon my inccesant "umming", I guess I am a bit nervous this being my first official video.
  • The partial "body image" in that wide-angle mirror is not the most flattering and actually makes me look a lot wider than I really am, also realized the  angle of the lighting didn't help.  Next video I'll have the hubs record so that you can get a much better idea of what I really look like. It will also help me measure my progress more accurately.  A better indicator are my measurements which are currently: Bust: 44, Waist: 33 1/2, Hips: 45. Currently wearing a size 14 Misses in most dresses, shirts, skirts and pants. When it comes to slimmer cut jeans however, still wearing a size 16 misses. ( My  ultimate goal is to be a size 12 across the board with a few skinny jean 14's sprinkled in for good measure:)
I have begun a very different eating regime to help me out of this plateau, somewhat of a modified South Beach. It consists of lots and lots of healthy proteins, veggies, monusaturated fats (i.e. avocados, nuts, olives, olive oil), a little low-fat dairy and absolutely no fruits, whole grains and sugars (not even my beloved agave) this is just a 2-week plan. I will be on it till the end of this week and then starting next Monday slowly start incorporating good carbs back into my diet. My excercise schedule this week will be the following:

Monday - 1 hour High Intensity Cardio
Tuesday - 30 minute high intensity cardio 30 minutes of weight-lifting and toning.
Wednesday - 1 Hour Zumba
Thursday - 45 minute high Intensity Cardio. 15 mintues of weight lifting and toning.
Friday - 1 Hour High Intensity Cardio
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 1 Hour Bike Ride (5 miles)

This is my goal. By next week I'll have an update to see if Ive stuck by this schedule. Please stay tuned...